Collecting Logs from Teacher Devices

Collecting Logs from Teacher Devices


To assist in troubleshooting, LanSchool Support may require you to enable logging on your LanSchool.

While every attempt is made to prevent errors, with any type of software it is possible to get an error or bug. On the Windows Operating System, those errors can result in crashes, faults and error messages. At LanSchool, those types of errors are given the highest priority.

The ability to read and write the Windows Registry is required. It is recommended to contact your local IT Support to setup logging.

Enable Logging on Windows Teacher Device

  1. Run regedit.exe on your computer
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LanSchool for 64bit.  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LanSchool for 32bit.
  3. Click Edit>>New>>DWORD (32-bit) Value
  4. Name the value DebugTrace
  5. Double click on the word DebugTrace and set the value to 1 (hexidecimal).
  6. Restart the LanSchool Teacher Console by going to Administer>>Exit Teacher Console.
  7. Reproduce the problem.
  8. Once reproduced, open File Explorer and type in %temp% in the address bar.
  9. Locate LskTrace.txt
  10. Email the file and a brief description of how you reproduced the problem to Lenovo Software Support at

Enabling a Logged Windows Installation for LanSchool Teacher Application

If you are experiencing issues installing the LanSchool Teacher application, performing a logged installation will help determine where the issue is occurring during installation.
  1. Copy the teacher.msi to the local hard drive.
  2. Run the Command Prompt as Administrator.
  3. Navigate to the directory where the teacher.msi is copied. 
  4. Run the following command: msiexec.exe /i teacher.msi /L*V Log.txt
  5. Follow the installation prompts.
  6. At the end of the installation click on the option Show the Windows Installer Log.
  7. Save the log and email it to Lenovo Software Support at

Creating a Memory Dump on Windows Teacher Device

If the LanSchool Teacher Application is crashing, you may see a dialog box appear that looks like this.

However, it is possible no message is displayed and the application icon will only vanish from the Desktop or System Tray.
The following steps will show you how to configure the Windows Teacher device to generate a memory dump file. This large data file will contain a "snapshot" of the LanSchool Teacher Application at the moment of the error.
  1. Run regedit.exe on your computer
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LanSchool for 64bit.  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LanSchool for 32bit.
  3. Click Edit>>New>>String Value.
  4. The string name should be MiniDump
  5. In the MiniDump string value type in a path where the logged-in user will have sufficient rights to create a new file. In the following example, "C:\Users\dddogget\AppData\Local\Temp" was chosen. 
    NOTE: You must specify an existing folder, LanSchool will NOT create a new folder for this file.
  6. After the value path has been created, reboot the machine.
  7. LanSchool will notify you when an error has occurred.
  8. After the error occurs, browse to the path created in the registry key. Locate the file lsk*.dmp
  9. "Zip" up the file and email it to Lenovo Software Support at
NOTE: If the file is too large to send in an email, please upload it to the submit a ticket to Lenovo Software Support letting them know the file name that was uploaded.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this error has caused you and appreciate your patience. With this additional information, we hope to quickly isolate and resolve the error.

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