Configuring Enterprise Data Collection and Analytics

Configuring Enterprise Data Collection and Analytics


Get even more from your classroom management solution with educator usage data. Determine whether or not LanSchool is effectively incorporated into the classroom on a school- or district-wide scale. 

This guide will show you how to enable and configure Enterprise Data Collection on one or more of your organization's LanSchool Connection Service (LCS) servers. Once configured, each LCS will begin collecting usage statistics from connected Teacher Consoles and send them to a local PostgreSQL database server where you can run reports.


  1. LanSchool Connection Service (LCS) server version 9.0+
  2. Database server running PostgreSQL version 12.0+

Install PostgreSQL Database

Install PostgreSQL Server (Version 12) on a machine other than the LanSchool Connection Server (LCS). More information about downloading, installing and configuring PostgreSQL can be found at
  1. Static IP Address
  2. Example PostgreSQL User: lanschool
  3. Example PostgreSQL Database Name: LanSchool
  4. Ensure that the user created in PostgreSQL has admin rights to the newly created database

Set the School Name on the LCS

If you have more than LCS in your environment, follow these instructions to provide a name for each LCS. This will let you know which data was collected from which LCS.

  1. Log into the LanSchool Connection Server as an Administrator.
  2. Click the Start button and type notepad.
  3. Right-click the Notepad App and select Run as administrator.
  4. Type the following into a new text file:

    [Default School]
    name=Name of School

  5. Click File and then Save.
  6. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\LanSchool\lskdu.
  7. Enter the File name LANSCHOOL.INI
  8. Click the Save as type drop down list and select All Files.
  9. Select Save.

Enable Data Collection using a Registry Key

Follow the steps below to add the option of selecting the Data Collection page via the LCS Status Page. This will ensure that the database is configured correctly once the LCS connects to it.
  1. Log into the LanSchool Connection Server as an Administrator.
  2. Click the Start button and type regedit.
  3. Press Enter or click the regedit app.
  4. Navigate to the following key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LanSchool
  5. Right-click the LanSchool folder and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
  6. Type the name ShowDataCollection and press Enter 
  7. Double-click the new entry and set the Value data field to 1.
  8. Select OK.
  9. Close Registry Editor.
  10. Click the Start button and type Services.
  11. Press Enter or click the Services App.
  12. Select the LanSchool Connection Server Service.
  13. Select Restart the service in the left pane.

Start Data Collection

Follow these steps to configure the LCS to connect to the PostgreSQL database and prepare it for collecting data.

  1. Log into the LanSchool Connection Server as an Administrator.
  2. Open a browser and navigate to https://localhost:8085/ or double-click the LanSchool Connection Server Status Page shortcut on the Desktop
  3. Select the Data Collection page in the navigation pane (on the left).
  4. Check the box next to Enable data collection.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Database Server:  IP address or Hostname of your PostgreSQL database server (leave the port as 5432)
    2. Database Name:  LanSchool (or the name you chose for your new PostgreSQL database)
    3. Database Username:  lanschool (or the username you chose that has admin rights to your PostgreSQL database)
  6. Select the Submit button.
  7. You will see the message “Configuration saved”.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Close the LCS Status Page or navigate to another page (example: Status).

You should start seeing data appear in your PostgreSQL database. You may now use the reporting tool of your choice to view the data that is being collected.

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