The first file is the Teacher file. It should contain only three columns of data, listed in specific order by row, separated by commas:
Teacher name, Class ID, Class Name.
The Teacher name can be either their Network Login Name, their Machine Name, or in Windows environments with Active Directory, their Teacher Name. The Class ID number can be any numeric identifier, it just needs to be unique for each class.
The second file is a Student file. The Student file needs to include only two columns of data, listed in specific order by row, separated by commas: ClassID and Student Name.
The Student Name can again be their Login Name, their Machine Name, or in Windows environments with Active Directory, their Student Name.
Depending on the method chosen to export the data for the Teacher or Student name, each of the two files must be named as follows (case sensitive):
“ClassesByTeacherLoginName.csv”, “StudentsForClassByLoginName.csv”
“ClassesByTeacherMachineName.csv” “StudentsForClassByMachineName.csv”
“ClassesByTeacherADName.csv” “StudentsForClassByADName.csv”
teacher login name
| unique class ID
| class display name
teacher login name = the local device login name that the teacher is using to login to their device (e.g. jsmith)
unique class ID = a numeric, unique identifier for each class list (e.g. HS-201B)
class display name = a friendly name or description for the class list (e.g. Eng Lang Arts 201 B)
NOTE: The unique class ID field can contain a combination of data to make it unique for each class list. For example, combine a School ID (HS), a Course ID (201), and a Section ID (B) together for one unique ID (HS-201B).
unique class ID
| student login name
unique class ID = must match the unique class ID used in the "ClassesByTeacher" CSV file (e.g. HS-201B)
student login name = the local device login name that the student is using to login to their device (e.g. jsmith)
The enhanced display format is an optional format that allows LanSchool to display the School, Course, Period and full student name when displaying each class list in the Teacher Console.
To do this, format the unique class ID field using the following pattern:
teacher login name
| course ID|*|school ID|*|period ID
| class display name
| 201B|*|HS|*|2
| Eng Lang Arts
Using the above example, the unique class ID would be HS-201B (School ID-Class ID). Be sure to use the |*| delimiter.
NOTE: The Period ID field is for display purpose only and is not used as part of the unique class ID. To do this, insert a second field in the CSV for student display name as described below:
unique class ID
| student display name
| student login name
| Jason Smith
| jsmith