Troubleshooting "Sleeping" Students in the LanSchool Connection Server
The LanSchool Connection Server cannot detect if the student device is asleep, shutdown or disconnected from the network.
Due to this design, it will leave the student in a "sleeping" state and wait for it to come back later. On the Teacher Console, the student thumbnail will display "Student has entered standby mode..."
If it has been in that state for over 8 hours, the LCS will free the slot.
The time can be adjusted down to minutes, by creating a registry key, allowing the LCS to free the slot quicker and releasing the student thumbnail from the Teacher Console.
Creating MaxSleepTicks Registry
To adjust the time a new registry key will need to be created on the LanSchool Connection Server:
- Run regedit.exe on your LanSchool Connection Server.
- Click Edit>>New>>DWORD (32-bit) Value
- Name the value MaxSleepTicks
- Double click on the word MaxSleepTicks and set the value to 60000 (Decimal). This will reduce the time to one minute.
- Restart the LanSchool Connection Service.
The 60000 is the number of milliseconds to keep the student in the "Sleep" state. If you wish to have a longer time i.e. 3 minutes you will have to multiple 60000 by 3; 60000 x 3 = 180000 will be the Decimal value you put in the registry.
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