Assessment Mode allows an Administrator or Teacher to put student devices into
a secure, locked mode in order to take a test or exam.
When applied, the students devices enter Assessment Mode. During this mode the Teacher can't interact
with a Student and is restricted to monitor with an Assessment
Mode Student. It will block students from leaving the test as well as block
incoming messages, and prevent going to unauthorized Web sites or applications.
- Assessment Mode only works in LanSchool Classic environments that use the LanSchool Connection Service.
- Assessment Mode only works for Windows and macOS students.
- The LanSchool Student should not be configured to allow the student to change channels if use of Assessment Mode is planned.
Configuring Assessment Mode
To start and configure Assessment Mode launch the Teacher Console.

Assessment Mode can only be applied to all student devices. It cannot be applied to specific students.
- Go to Demonstrate > Start Assessment Mode.

- Configure which options to use for the assessment mode.
- Choose how many minutes the assessment must be completed in.
- Web limiting - Choose to either block all websites or select which websites to allow.
App limiting - Add applications to allow only.

If Allow only the following applications is not selected then all applications are allowed.
- Restrict IP address and Private browsing
- Limit USB drives, CDROM/DVD drives.
- Limit Printing

- Select Save... to save these settings for future assessment modes.
- Select Start to start the Assessment Mode.
- Once Assessment Mode has started a pop up box will appear on the teacher screen showing the assessment time remaining.

- Select End Assessment Mode in the pop up box or go to Demonstrate > Stop Assessment Mode.
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