Troubleshooting LanSchool
Disabling Edge Split Screen
Overview LanSchool Air is unable to limit the web in Microsoft Edge when the student uses the Edge Split Screen feature. The LanSchool Air extension does not register the second screen and will not block the website. It is recommended to disable Edge ...
Using Student Diagnostics Utility
Overview The LanSchool Classic download comes with a utility called StudentDiagnostics.exe. This utility can be used to test communication between the teacher and student in a peer to peer model of LanSchool Classic or to test the connection to the ...
Disabling Fast User Switching
Overview LanSchool Classic does not support Windows Fast User Switching feature. The student client will not function properly when the computer is switched to a second user account. It is recommended to disable Fast User Switching in order for the ...
Using Enable Channel Select Utility
Overview LanSchool Classic comes packaged with utilities that can help administrators with making changes to already installed clients. The Enable Channel Select utility allows teachers to be able to change their teacher channel, view multiple ...
Using the SetChannel.exe Utility
Overview LanSchool Classic comes packaged with utilities that can help administrators with making changes to already installed clients. The SetChannel.exe utility can be used to update local Teacher or Student Channels, make changes to the LanSchool ...
Clever Secure Sync Integration FAQ
Overview This article contains information pertaining to Clever Integration with LanSchool Classic. For information on connecting Clever to LanSchool Air, see Setting Up Clever Secure Sync with LanSchool Air. How do I setup Clever Integration in ...
Teacher FAQ
Why can’t I see my students? A number of issues can cause a student to not appear in the teacher console. If you are not using class lists, please see Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails. Why can’t I see my students when I load my class list? ...
Troubleshooting Student Thumbnail Status
Overview LanSchool Classic the teacher will see thumbnail size images of each student's screen. The teacher may see the student actively working on their device or they may appear in an offline state. The thumbnail may also display certain icons ...
Troubleshooting "Sleeping" Students in the LanSchool Connection Server
Overview The LanSchool Connection Server cannot detect if the student device is asleep, shutdown or disconnected from the network. Due to this design, it will leave the student in a "sleeping" state and wait for it to come back later. On the Teacher ...
Configuring and Troubleshooting Wake on Lan
Overview LanSchool utilizes Wake on Lan to power on the student computers remotely. This feature is not enabled by default on many systems and will have to be enabled by the user. Your device manufacturer will be able to assist you with the Wake on ...
Technical FAQ
How do I gather logs from the teacher? LanSchool Support may require logs from the teacher console to help troubleshoot an issue. For instructions, please see Collecting Logs from Teacher Devices. How do I gather logs from the student? LanSchool ...
Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails
Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails without Class Lists Peer to Peer Check the channel that the teacher and student are configured to communicate on. To find the channel on the Teacher Console, go to the Administer menu > Preferences > Network ...
Collecting Logs from Student Devices
Overview To assist in troubleshooting, LanSchool Support may require you to enable logging on your LanSchool. While every attempt is made to prevent errors, with any type of software it is possible to get an error or bug. On the Windows Operating ...
Collecting Logs from Teacher Devices
Overview To assist in troubleshooting, LanSchool Support may require you to enable logging on your LanSchool. While every attempt is made to prevent errors, with any type of software it is possible to get an error or bug. On the Windows Operating ...
Collecting Network Communication Logs
Overview To assist in troubleshooting, LanSchool Support may require you to gather logs from your network to help determine communication issues between the LanSchool Connection Server, Student and Teacher. The ability to read and write the Windows ...
Troubleshooting "Security Locked Out" Message
Overview The most common reason that the Security Locked Out icon is displayed on the student thumbnails is because of a mismatch in the Secure Mode option chosen during installation of the teacher, student and/or LanSchool Connection Server ...
Collecting Logs from the LanSchool Connection Server
Overview To assist in troubleshooting, LanSchool Support may require you to enable logging on your LanSchool Connection Server. The ability to read and write the Windows Registry is required. It is recommended to contact your local IT Support to ...
Troubleshooting Web Limiting
Overview With LanSchool, teachers can help students focus on their work by limiting online access to approved websites and even disabling internet access during tests and quizzes. LanSchool relies on the LanSchool Student client running on the ...