LanSchool Classic Downloads are accessed in LanSchool Air. Classic customers will see all their information,
expiration and licensing keys in LanSchool Air. Admins who use both LanSchool
Classic and LanSchool Air only need to manage one account.
New customers will need to activate their
LanSchool Air account in order to access their LanSchool Classic downloads.

Current LanSchool Classic customers should receive an email about the LanSchool Classic Portal move. If you are a current LanSchool Classic customer and need to access your account for the first time in the
new portal, enter your email address and click Forgot Password to reset your LanSchool Classic Portal password. Once the password has been reset, you will be able to log into the portal and see your LanSchool Classic licenses.
Creating Your LanSchool Air
New customers will receive an email invite to LanSchool
Air. Follow the steps in the email to create your account. Once the LanSchool
Air account is created, LanSchool Classic Admin access will be granted.
Accessing LanSchool Classic Downloads
Obtain your LanSchool
Classic download/upgrade files by going to https://lanschool.com/lanschool-login and selecting your region.
Sign into LanSchool Air,
you should have received an invite to create a LanSchool Air account. If you
did not please contact us here.

Once logged in, click on the menu at the top left and
click on Classic Licensing.

Select your Language and latest version of LanSchool

Click Download Installers to download the ZIP containing
the installation files.
Managing LanSchool Classic Licenses
Under Manage Licenses you can view how many licenses you
have and when they are expired. If your license is expired, please contact sales@lanschool.com
Using the LanSchool Classic License Key
The LanSchool Classic Teacher console requires a LanSchool Classic license key in order to run. This license key can be found under the Manage License section.
Expiring License Key
When the expiration date approaches 60 days, the Teacher Console will display a warning message that will automatically close after 10 seconds.
Starting at 7 days another warning message will appear and automatically close after 20 seconds.

After the license has expired, there will be a 30 day grace period that will allow the Teacher Console to continue to run.

If the license is still expired after the 30 day grace period, the Teacher Console will not launch and will prompt for a valid license key.

Renewing LanSchool Classic License
To continue using the LanSchool Teacher console and receive maintenance and support, the LanSchool Classic license will need to be renewed.
The license can be renewed at any point. Once renewed, the expiration date of the license will be updated. After renewal, the LanSchool Teacher Console will seamlessly retrieve this new expiration date and all warning dialog will no longer display until approaching the new license expiration date.
Adding LanSchool Classic Admins
In order to access LanSchool Classic downloads your user account must have the role of LanSchool Classic Admin. Current LanSchool Air Admins can add LanSchool Classic Admins.
- Sign into LanSchool Air.

- Once logged in, click on the menu at the top left and click on LanSchool Air Settings.

- Click on People.

- Click on Add People.

- Enter the email address of the person you want to be a LanSchool Classic Admin.
- Under Select default roles for invitees, select LanSchool Classic Admin.

- Click Send to send the email invite.
LanSchool Classic Admins only have access to the
LanSchool Classic downloads and licensing. If you would like for LanSchool
Classic Admins to be able to add other LanSchool Classic Admins they will need
to have a LanSchool Air Admin role as well.
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