Deploying LanSchool Classic Using Jamf Pro

Deploying LanSchool Classic Using Jamf Pro

Update March 26, 2024: Release of macOS 14.4 has broken the ability to use SSID Whitelisting. Anyone currently using SSID Whitelisting, it is recommended to delay updating to macOS 14.4 until this issue has been fixed.  


The LanSchool Classic for macOS agents supports a few different deployment methods. See Mass Deploying LanSchool Student for macOS or Mass Deploying LanSchool Teacher for macOS for more detailed instructions. Please note that our support team can only provide limited assistance with configuring your organization’s Jamf.

The LanSchool Classic Jamf deployment guide is designed to assist with basic settings and deployment of LanSchool Classic Student or Teacher for macOS using Jamf.

DISCLAIMER â€“ Every customer environment is different.  Use this guide as a reference and not a requirement of the software.  It is still recommended to consult your local IT Administrators or Jamf support if you have questions about the repercussions of individual settings in your environment.

System Requirements

  1. Jamf access
  2. Access to the LanSchool Classic Portal
  3. Devices registered to Jamf

Preparing the LanSchool Student or Teacher Package

A custom package can be used, however, it is recommended to deploy the lanschool_student.pkg and lanschool_teacher.pkg with the LanSchoolStudent.mobileconfig and LanSchoolTeacher.mobileconfig profile settings configured.

Downloading the LanSchool Student and Teacher Package

Log into the LanSchool Classic Portal and download the latest version of LanSchool Classic.
Once the latest version is downloaded, open the zip folder and go to the Mac folder.

From here, double click the lanschool_student.dmg or lanschool_teacher.dmg to mount the file and drag and drop the lanschool_student.pkg or lanschool_teacher.pkg on the Desktop or folder.

Creating a Custom Package

 for creating the custom package.

Once the custom package is created you do not need to follow the steps for, Creating the LanSchool Classic Teacher License Key Script or Deploying LanSchool Student and Teacher Profile Settings.

Uploading a Package

  1. Log into your Jamf Pro.
  2. Click on the Settings gear icon.
  3. Navigate to Computer Management>>Packages
  4. Click on +New.
  5. Click on Choose File and upload either the lanschool_student.pkg or lanschool_teacher.pkg or the custom package if created.
  6. You can rename package Display Name, choose a category, add Info or Notes.
  7. Click on Options if you wish to adjust the priority of the deployment, require a restart etc.
  8. Click on Limitations if you wish to have an OS requirement or Install Only if Available in Software Update.
  9. Once your package settings are completed, click Save.

Creating the LanSchool Classic Teacher License Key Script

The LanSchool Classic Teacher console requires a License Key in order to run. The license key can be found in your LanSchool Classic Portal.
  1. In Jamf, click on Settings.
  2. Navigate to Computer Management>>Scripts.
  3. Click on +New.
  4. Name your script i.e. LanSchool Teacher License Key
  5. Click on Script and enter the following script with your license key for line 4. 

    1. #!/bin/bash

    2. "/bin/cat" <<EOT >/Users/Shared/LicensingKey.txt
    3. Your license key here
    4. EOT

    5. exit 0

  6. Click on Options if you wish to adjust the priority of the deployment or Parameter Labels.
  7. Click on Limitations if you wish to have an OS requirement.
  8. Once your script settings are completed, click Save.

Creating the LanSchool Classic Policy

The following steps provide basic settings and best practice options to deploy the LanSchool Classic Student or Teacher client. It will not go into detail what each setting means or what to choose for each setting.
  1. In Jamf, click on Policies.
  2. Click on +New.
  3. Under Display Name, name the policy LanSchool Classic Student or Teacher.
  4. Ensure Enabled is checked.
  5. Under Trigger, select Startup, Login, Network State Change and Recurring Check-in (this is a best practices option)
  6. Check Automatically re-run policy on failure. (this is a best practices option)
    1. Retry Event: On next recurring check-in
    2. Retry attempts: 3
  7. Next click on Packages.
  8. Click on Configure.
  9. Click Add next to the lanschool_student.pkg or lanschool_teacher.pkg or custom package.
  10. Next, click on Scripts. 
    The script is only for the LanSchool Teacher Policy. Do not add the Licensing Key script for LanSchool Student Policy.
    If you created a custom teacher package you do not need to add a script.
  11. Click on Configure.
  12. Select the LanSchool Teacher License Key script
  13. Next, click on Scope at the top.
  14. Choose which Targets to deploy the Policy to. If needed, specify your Limitations and Exclusions.
  15. Choose any other settings you need to select for the Policy.
  16. Once finished, click Save.

Deploying LanSchool Student and Teacher Profile Settings

If you created a custom package, you do not need to follow these steps. If you uploaded and created the policy using the lanschool_student.pkg or lanschool_teacher.pkg follow these steps.

Download the .mobileconfig files provided to deploy the profile settings.

  1. Download the .mobileconfig profile(s) above.
  2. In Jamf, click Configuration Profiles.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. Choose either LanSchoolStudent.mobileconfig or LanSchoolTeacher.mobilleconfig file.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Click on Application & Custom Settings.
  7. Click on Upload.
  8. Edit the LanSchool Student or Teacher settings.
    For more information on each setting please see Managing LanSchool Settings on macOS using a MDM
  9. Click on Scope at the top.
  10. Choose which Targets to deploy the Policy to. If needed, specify your Limitations and Exclusions.
  11. Choose any other settings you need to select for the Profile.
  12. Once finished, click Save.

Deploying LanSchool Classic Policy Profile

For student devices running macOS Mojave (10.14) and later, Apple introduced new privacy protection systems to ensure that all installed software works as it should. 

Download this pre-configured privacy policy template provided by LanSchool to deploy to your devices:
  1. Download the LanSchoolClassicStudentPolicy.mobileconfig file above.
  2. In Jamf, click on Configuration Profiles.
  3. Click on Upload.
  4. Choose the LanSchoolClassicStudentPolicy.mobileconfig file.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Click on Scope at the top.
  7. Choose which Targets to deploy the Policy to. If required, specify your Limitations and Exclusions. 
  8. Once finished, click Save.

The Screen Recording Approval cannot be automated. It must be enabled manually on the student device.

Deploying LanSchool Classic Browser Extension Profiles

Apple's operating system macOS 11.0 (Big Sur) prevents 3rd party software from installing Profiles on the system. 
You can download the .mobileconfig profiles for each browser extension below.
  1. Chrome Profile 
  2. Edge Profile
  1. Download the .mobileconfig browser extension profiles you want to deploy.
  2. In Jamf, click on Configuration Profiles.
  3. Click on Upload.
  4. Choose one of the downloaded browser extension profiles.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Click on Scope at the top.
  7. Choose which Targets to deploy the Policy to. If required, specify your Limitations and Exclusions. 
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat this process if you are deploying more than one browser extension profile.

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