Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails
Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails without Class Lists
Peer to Peer
Check the channel that the teacher and student are configured to communicate on.
To find the channel on the Teacher Console, go to the Administer menu > Preferences > Network tab.
To find the student channel (non-stealth mode), hover the student's mouse over the LanSchool icon in the system tray for Windows or at the top right for Mac.
If the teacher and students are not on the same channel, the students need to be reinstalled to the correct channel, or the teacher console must be moved to the correct channel using the "Enable Channel Select" utility.
Check the network and firewalls.
The teacher and students will need to be on the same network in order to communicate.
If the teacher or students are wireless or on different subnets/VLANs the Data Transmission on the teacher console will need to be set to IP-Multicast. To change the Data Transmission setting go to the Administer menu>>Preferences>>Network tab.
LanSchool communicates on ports TCP 11796, 796 and UDP 796, 1053. iOS teacher Assistant uses port UDP 2426. These ports will need to be open on the network both ways for LanSchool to work successfully across the network and subnets/VLAN's.
If your network or devices have firewalls those may need port forwarding.
Check for multiple network adapters.
- If your teacher computer has multiple network adapters or is running a VM you will need to specify which network adapter the Teacher Console needs to communicate on. To specify the network adapter, go to the Administer menu>>Preferences>>Network tab. Select Specify Network Interface Card and then select which network adapter to use from the drop-down menu.
- If your Windows student device has multiple network adapters or is running a VM you will need to specify which network adapter the student client needs to communicate on. This is set through the Windows Registry.
- Navigate to the registry setting for LanSchool Student Client:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LanSchool (for 64bit)
- Create to REG_SZ entries:
- IPSubnet (value equals their host IP address e.g -
- IPSubnetMask (value equals their IP subnet mask e.g -
- Restart the student machine to use the new registry setting.
LanSchool Connection Server
Check the channel that the teacher and student are configured to communicate on.
To find the channel on the Teacher Console go to the Administer menu > Preferences > Network tab.
To find the student channel (non stealth mode), hover the student's mouse over the LanSchool icon in the system tray for Windows or at the top right for Mac.
If the teacher and students are not on the same channel, the students will need to be reinstalled to the correct channel, or the teacher console will need to be moved to the correct channel using the "Enable Channel Select" utility.
Check the network and firewalls.
The LanSchool Connection Server, teacher, and students will need to be on the same network in order to communicate.
LanSchool Connection Server communicates on TCP ports 8080 and 8085 and UDP port 796. These will need to be open for the teacher and students to communicate through the LCS.
If your network or devices have firewalls those may need port forwarding.
Check for multiple network adapters.
- If your teacher computer has multiple network adapters or is running a VM you will need to specify which network adapter the Teacher Console needs to communicate on. To specify the network adapter, go to the Administer menu > Preferences > Network tab. Select Specify Network Interface Card and then select which network adapter to use from the drop-down menu.
- If your LanSchool Connection Server or Windows student device has multiple network adapters or is running a VM you will need to specify which network adapter the student client needs to communicate on. This is set through the Windows Registry.
- Navigate to the registry setting for LanSchool Connection Server or LanSchool Student Client:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LanSchool (for 64bit)
- Create to REG_SZ entries:
- IPSubnet (value equals their host IP address e.g -
- IPSubnetMask (value equals their IP subnet mask e.g -
Restart the student machine to use the new registry setting.
Check the LanSchool Connection Server status page.
If the teacher console is missing from the status page, make sure that the teacher console is configured to communicate with the LCS. To configure the communication, go to the Administer menu>>Preferences>>Network tab. Set Data Transmission to IP-Directed Broadcast and enter the static IP address of the LanSchool Connection Server in the Subnet 1 field.
- If the student client is missing from the status page, hover the student's mouse cursor over the LanSchool icon (non-stealth mode) in the system tray for Windows or at the top right for Mac and check that the version number has the letter 'r' at the end. If it does not, reinstall the student client and go through the Advanced Settings and set the LanSchool Connection Server static IP address.
Troubleshooting Missing Student Thumbnails with Class Lists
Confirm Communication Issues
Before troubleshooting class lists, you will want to first confirm that the student and teacher communication is configured properly. If the teacher is unable to communicate with the students, the class lists will not work.
- Determine the type of class lists being; login name, Active Director name, or machine name.
- Next go to the Administer menu>>One to One>>Manage Class Lists.
- Change the Class list type: at the top to the one that the teacher is attempting to use, then click the Browse for Students button.
- When the browse box opens, search for the missing student(s).
- If you are unable to find the missing student(s), then the issue is communication/configuration related and you will need to use the information in the "Troubleshooting missing student thumbnails without class lists" section above.
Standard Class Lists
- How are the teachers building their class list?
If the teacher is importing a CSV file for the class lists, make sure that the CSV is a single column of the student login name, AD name or machine name.
If the teacher is manually adding students through the Manage Class Lists function, are they entering the correct student login name, AD name or machine name?
Capitalization and Syntax matters for the attribute being used.
Dynamic Class Lists
If you go to Load Dynamic Class List, but do not see your classes listed.
- Confirm with your IT Support your Teacher computer can access the location where the Dynamic Class List CSV files are located.
- Check that your teacher console is pointing to the correct location of the Dynamic Class List CSV files.
- Confirm with your IT Support that your Login Name, Machine Name, or AD name is listed in the teacher CSV file and that the spelling and syntax is correct.
- Confirm with your IT Support that the spelling and syntax of the CSV file names is exactly what is required.
- Confirm with you IT Support that the CSV file information is correct in spelling and syntax.
Clever Class Rosters
If your school uses Clever, your Clever District Admin can initiate the process of sharing your schools' rosters with LanSchool. This provides a quick and easy way to create dynamic class lists for teachers.
More information on setting up Clever and LanSchool and integrating Clever Rosters in the Teacher console can be found here:
Setting Up Clever Secure Sync
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