Mass Deploying LanSchool Student for Chromebook

Mass Deploying LanSchool Student for Chromebook


This guide walks administrators through the process of deploying the LanSchool Student app to students using Chromebooks. For information on installing the LanSchool Classic Student to Windows or Mac platforms, see: 
The LanSchool Connection Service (LCS) should be installed and set up before continuing with the software installation below. If you have any questions or problems setting up the LCS server, please contact your LanSchool sales or support representative.

You will need to have a managed G Suite domain and managed student user accounts. This allows you to manage various applications and services for Google Chrome devices and users. For more information on G Suite, please see

Due to the design of the Google operating system, not all LanSchool Classic features and capabilities are available on these devices. Please see the Features Supported on Chromebookfor a list of supported features.

System Requirements 


  • LanSchool Air Site Administrator access 
  • Google Admin Console access to the Google Workspace domain the students are using


  • Chromebooks running ChromeOS 71 or higher  
  • A managed Google Workspace user account (formerly G Suite)


Building the JSON Value

Please see LanSchool JSON Configuration Tool to build the JSON value you will need when Force Installing the LanSchool Student Application.

Signing into Google Admin

Sign in to the Google Admin console for your organization's G Suite domain by going to . You must login with an administrator account that has permission to manage User & Browser settings and Apps & Extensions policies for the student accounts in your domain. 

 The remaining steps cannot be completed without signing into the Google Admin console.
  1. Login to

  2. In Google Admin, select the Devices icon

  3. Under the Devices menu, navigate to Chrome > Apps & Extensions > Users & Browsers.

  4. Select the student user Organizational Unit (OU) you wish to apply the LanSchool Student Application and LanSchool Web Helper Extension to.

Force Installing the LanSchool Student Application

  1. On the USERS & BROWSERS page, hover over the Add      icon at the bottom right.

  2. Click the Add from Chrome Web Store icon.

  3. Search for LanSchool Student. 
  4. Click on LanSchool Student and then click Select at the top right.

  5. Under Installation Policy select Force Install.

  6. Under Policy for Extensions enter or upload the JSON value that was created under Building the JSON Value section.

  7. Click Save at the top right.

Force Installing the LanSchool Web Helper Extension

  1. On the USERS & BROWSERS page, hover over the Add      icon at the bottom right.

  2. Click the Add from Chrome Web Store icon.

  3. Search for LanSchool Web Helper.
  4. Click on LanSchool Web Helper and click on Select at the top right. 

  5. Under Installation Policy select Force Install.

  6. Click Save at the top right.

Configuring Chrome User and Browser Settings 

The following settings are recommended to ensure the best experience with LanSchool Classic. Many of these settings are optional but are recommended to prevent students from disabling the LanSchool Student app or Web Helper extension.

To save some time you can search for the settings rather than having to scroll, just type in a portion of the setting text and it will jump to the section!

  1. In Google Admin, navigate to   Devices > Chrome > Settings > User & Browser Settings 


  2. Select the organizational unit (OU) that contains the student user accounts that you deployed the LanSchool Student app and Web Helper extension to.  


  3. In the Apps and extensions section, select application settings page.

  4. In the Additional application settings section, next to Allowed types of apps and extensions, select the Extension and Chrome packaged app check boxes. This will ensure that both the LanSchool Student app and extension are not prevented from running.

  5.  In the Apps and extensions sections, next to Task Managerselect Block users from ending processes with Chrome task manager. This prevents students from disabling the LanSchool Student app.

  6. In the Security section, next to Idle Settings, select Logout from the Action on Lid Close list. This forces students to refresh their user session more often. This is not required, but if a student device appears as Missing, asking them to login again may resolve it.

  7. In the Security section next to Incognito modeselect Disallow incognito mode. This prevents students from avoiding the LanSchool Web Helper extension.


  8. In the Content section, next to Screenshotselect Allow users to take screenshots. This allows LanSchool Student to show the student's screen to teacher console.


  9. In the User Experience section next to   Developer tools, select Never allow use of built-in developer tools. This prevents students from interfering with the LanSchool Student app or other device settings.


  11. Select SAVE in the top right corner.


Testing Settings

To see if your configuration settings are being applied on the student Chromebook:
  1. Log into a Chromebook using one of the student accounts in the organization you selected above for the configuration.
  2. Open the Chrome browser and go to chrome://policy in the navigation window. This will open the policy display for that user account.
  3. Click the "Reload Policies" button to ensure you have the latest policy configuration.
  4. Check the checkbox to the right that says, "Show policies with no value set."
  5. Scroll down to the section that shows the configuration for the "LanSchool Student."
  6. You should see each of the policy settings that you have configured in the JSON value field. If you don't see your settings shown here, check the following:
    1. Did you log in as a user assigned to the organization you set the policy for in the Admin console?
    2. Is there an error in the policy file? 
      The admin console does not warn on errors. You can check your policy files format by testing it as

Obtaining Student Names from Google

By default, LanSchool displays only students’ email addresses for newly added Chromebooks. To view students’ first and last names instead of their email addresses, and to ensure that Google retrieves the correct name for each student, you must grant LanSchool permission from your domain. You can grant that permission through the Google Admin console by performing the following steps: 

  1. Log in to the Google Admin console. 

  2.  Select Security.  

  3. On the Security page, select Advanced settings

  4. Select Manage Third Party App Access.

  5. Select Configure new app and OAuth App Name or Client ID.

  6. Copy the following string and paste it into the Client ID field and select Search. 

  7. Select LanSchool Student.

  8. Check the OAuth Client ID box and then click Select.

  9. Select Trusted: Can access all Google Services and then select Configure.

After making these changes, some existing student Chromebooks may not automatically update to display the student's name. It make take a few times of logging out and back into the Chromebook for the student name to gather. If you wish to force the client to refresh the student name, add this parameter, "refresh_student_name": { "Value": "1234" },  to the end of your JSON policy. The value "1234" can be any random set of 4 numbers. When the value is set, it'll act as a handle so the Chromebooks know to not keep receiving the same name if the names change. 

Features Supported on Chromebook

  1. Help Individual Students - The Student can interact with the Teacher by sending and receiving messages. Students can silently send questions or request help. A small question mark appears on the teacher's console when a Student sends a question.
  2. View Student Thumbnails - Student thumbnails appear on the Teacher Console allowing teachers a quick overview of what the students are working on.
  3. Show Student Details - The details view of Chromebook student will show student name, machine name, last website, last question and Teacher channel.
  4. Testing - The LanSchool Teacher can send a test to the Chromebook student and collect the test results. Test questions can include True / False, Multiple Choice, short answer and essay questions. Images can also be attached to each test question.
  5. Show Teacher Screen - The LanSchool Teacher has the ability to share a screen to all or select Students allowing them to follow along.
  6. Web Browsing - Temporarily disable all or selected student access to the web across browser. The Teacher controls the sites the Student may browse to or may direct the Student to specific sites.
  7. Internet History - Shows a searchable list of web sites visited by the selected student, which may be saved to a file.
  8. Blank Screen - The Teacher may blank-out all student screens and disable keyboard and mouse.
  9. Run URL - This feature allows a Teacher to run a web site on student computers.
  10. Keystroke Alerting - The Keystroke Alerts tab allows you to specify a list of banned words. If a student types a banned word, the teacher will be notified with a yellow caution icon on the student’s thumbnail. Use your mouse to hover over the thumbnail, and it will display the word that was typed by the student. This tab also includes an option to automatically capture a screenshot of the student's device as the banned word is typed.
  11. Class list support - Chromebook student will respond to Teacher request to be loaded into a class.
  12. Show Student Screen - The ability for the Teacher to send a student’s screen to all other students in a class.
  13. View Student’s Screen - Allows teachers to view and monitor a selected student machine.
  14. Chat - The Teacher may initiate a text-based chat session with one or more students from the Teacher’s console.
  15. Save Student Screen Snapshot - Save a student's screen to a standard graphic file. (.jpg or .bmp) The date, time and student login name are displayed in the saved file.

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